Australia: 1917-1988.
Labels - Overseas Telegram

General characteristics:

Heading and notes: Form No. T.G. 63 or T.X. 63.
Reverse side: Blank.
Colours (text & form): Blue on white - reverse printed.
Size of form overall: 193 × 222 mm.
Distinctive characteristics of this form:
 During the War years, the wording was changed from INTERNATIONAL TELEGRAM to OVERSEAS TELEGRAM (for reasons now unknown). The form number remained the same until 1969 when it changed to the T.X. (T.G.) 63 intermediate form number and then to TX 63.
GC-54A AW-LO-1.

Orange Grove, South Africa to Cricket Ground Melbourne
(17 February 1955).

Used on Congratulations greeting form AW-GC-54.

Characteristics of label:

  • OVERSEAS TELEGRAM in two lines right justified;
  • form number is level with and to the left of TELEGRAM;
  • reverse printed in blue on white with the lower 30% white;
  • size is 31 × 83 mm

See more on the great Ray Lindwall elsewhere.


AW-LO-1 57
Provenance: Dave Elsmore.


Detail of label.

AA-LO-2 AA-LO-2.

No date stamp.

Used on Greetings envelope
AA-GGE-3 (unusual usage).

Characteristics of label:

  • OVERSEAS TELEGRAM in two lines with text right justified;
  • form number at left level with second word;
  • schedule number located in the white gummed section;
  • size is 31 × 78 mm.


AA-LO-3 AA-LO-3.

Used at T.O. Townsville for a overseas telegram to Auckland, NZ on 6 January 1964.

Used on Phonogram counterfoil
(unusual usage).

Characteristics of label:

  • OVERSEAS TELEGRAM in two lines with text right justified;
  • form number at left in blue region and level with TELEGRAM;
  • schedule number at the top of the white gummed section and aligned slightly left of "T.G.";
  • size is 32 × 82 mm.
LO-4 AA-LO-4A.

Unused label;


  • form number set to left and now in white region;
  • schedule number starts about half way across and also in the white gummed area;
  • size is 31 × 79 mm.
Hobart 13D


Internationaltelegram from Genova to Hobart.
16 November 1967.

Has AA-LO-4A OVERSEAS TELEGRAM label with Schedule number O/N. C. 3435/66 affixed.


Cape Town, South Africa to Hobart.
4 March 1970.


  • same format as for
  • Schedule number begins with the usual "Sch." rather than with O/N;
  • size is 32 × 82 mm.
LO-5 AA-LO-5.

Durban via Broadway to Mortdale (23 May 1973).


  • form number is
    TX. (T.G.) 63 on top left of white gummed section (can just be seen in scan);
  • schedule number is below the form number (just above M (of the green TELEGRAM) top left of the form and above the top line of typing;
  • slightly different placement of T of TELEGRAM from previous label;
  • size is 32 × 83 mm.



All have the same format with words right justified and form number above the schedule number.
Significant variations in letter sizes and formats:

  • the position of T of Telegram relative to ".VER..";
  • the styles of E in OVERSEAS;
  • the styles of G in TELEGRAM;
  • the use of full-stops for T.X. then no stops (TX).

Each schedule number shows year of printing.

Label AA-LO-6A used on a telegram delivery form
to Murray Bridge from Singapore
on 1 September 1972.
AA-LO-6B: Used on 16 December 1976 on AA-DO-13D to Nundah, Qld.

Printed in 1978.

Unused label with TELECOM logo and form number TX.


  • M of TELEGRAM is under SE above;
  • has a schedule number under the form number.
Printed in 1980.

Unused label with TELECOM logo and form number TX.


  • M of TELEGRAM is under RS above;
  • has a schedule number under the form number.
Telecom 9748_80
Printed in November 1980.

Unused label with TELECOM logo and form number TX.


  • M of TELEGRAM is under SE above;
  • has no schedule number.

Details of use and rarity.

Schedule number Earliest recorded date Rarity rating
LO-1 Sch. C. 7742/57 17 February 1955 at Cricket Ground Melbourne. RRRR
LO-2 Sch. 8453 - 8/60 31 December 1963 at C.T.O. Hobart. RRR
LO-3 Sch. 8997 - 9/62 6 January 1964 at T.O. Townsville, Qld. RRR
LO-4A O/N C.3252. - 6/65. 24 June 1966 at C.T.O, Hobart. RRR
  O/N.C. 3435/66 16 November 1967 at Hobart. RR
  O/N. C. 3566/67 23 June 1971 at C.T.O. Hobart RRR
LO-4B Sch. 5433/68 24 June 1969 at C.T.O. Hobart RR
LO-5 Sch. C. 5800/69 28 December 1972 at C.T.O. Hobart. RR
  Sch. C6046/69 1 December 1972 at C.T.O Hobart. RR
LO-6A Sch C6503/71 1 September 1972 at Murray Bridge, SA. RR
LO-6B Sch C6973/72 10 December 1976 at Mundah, Qld RR
LO-6C Sch C7391/73   RR
  Sch CT 8341/75 26 January 1976 at C.T.O. Hobart. RR
LO-6D Sch C7896/74 5 July 1978 at CTO Hobart. RR
LO-7A Sch. C9215/78 14 January 1980 at C.T.O. Hobart. RRR
  Sch. C9442/78 28 September 1982 at C.T.O. Hobart  
  Sch. 9449/78 9 April 1980 at C.T.O. Hobart. RRR
LO-7B Sch. C9748/80   RRR
LO-7C None
(but 11/80 after form number).
NOTE: the Rarity ratings are for the label genuinely used on a telegram form and
not for unused, unattached examples (which are generally common).