The hand stamps below show the Detained/Delayed message in its various forms as used in Tasmania during:
As was usual in the early days of telegraphic communication, operators simply wrote an appropriate on a message of the received telegram delivery form to indicate that a message had been delayed. Their annotations were, of necessity, always short.
Examples of these annotations are shown below. The earliest recorded date is 18 November 1871 for a message to Hobart.
Transmission form (TC-TO-2) for a message to Launceston on 18 November 1871. In lower left corner, in manuscript, is the message LINE INTERRUPTED". |
To Hobart. DELAYED BY Applied in blue. Message lodged at 9:30 am and received at 5 pm.
The hand stamp is also known used on a similar telegram form at Hobart on 19 December 1902. |
Provenance: Clemente. |
Sydney to Hobart. DELAYED BY INTERRUPTION Applied in red.
Message sent at 11:44 am but received at 2:14 pm. |