Australia - Colonial.
The line linking Western Australia to South Australia: 1877.

One of the major undertakings in the telegraphic history of Australia was the construction of the line linking Western Australia to South Australia. The real motivating factor for laying lines across such a desolate landscape was the need to include Western Australia into the inter-colonial telegraphic network as well as to open up Western Australia to the rest of the world via the Overland Telegraph Line.

An insight into the possible future implications of constructing the South Australia - Western Australia telegraph line is given by the article in the Fremantle Herald of 29 January 1877 (when the line was under construction in both Colonies):

"By many, the line to Western Australia is regarded as a somewhat Quixotic undertaking. It cannot, of course, be expected that it will be remunerative for many years to come.

If there was any prospect of the additional telegraphic communication with Europe being provided for by means of a cable from King George's Sound or the North-West Cape the line would, in that case, at once become of great importance. But there does not seem to be much probability of this, though it is not possible to say with absolute certainty what may be the decision arrived at by the intercolonial Conference to be held in Februnry.

If, however, the line cannot be justified at present on strictly commercial grounds, there is very much to be said in favour of it as the final link which will bring all the colonies into telegraphic communication with each other. And whatever doubt there may be on the part of any as to whether we were justified in undertaking such a work from motives which lie outside the range of mere self-interest , now that the work is has been authorised and is fast approaching completion, we believe all will join in wishing that it may be the means of helping to bind the different provinces together, so that federation, which is at present only a dream, may at some future day become an accomplished fact".

The story of the inter-colonial can be referenced through the following aspects:

1877 lines:

  1. the Western Australian line to Eucla;
  2. the South Australian line to Eucla;

    1896 lines:
  3. The Dundas - Ponton-Eyre-Eucla line.
  4. The S.A. line via Yardea.

    Telegraph Offices on the inter-colonial lines:.

  5. Eucla Telegraph Office;
  6. Western Australian Telegraph offices;
  7. South Australian Telegraph offices;

  8. People on the line.