The following Telegraph Offices arereferenced from this page:
Adelaide Railway Station | Alberton | Bowden | Hindmarsh |
Largs | Port Adelaide | Port Adelaide Railway | Semaphore |
Adelaide Railway Station.
The Telegraph Office opened in 1856. It did not merge to become a Post & Telegraph Office until 1909. The Telegraph operations at the station were closed on 25 January 1965 and transferred to
Adelaide Railway Station in the 1860s. Source: NLA B47794_13. |
Adelaide Railway Station about 1870. |
The Adelaide Railway Station used a squared circle date stamp on telegrams.
26 September 1907. Used on SI-DO-2A. |
6 March 1911. Used on SI-DO-4. |
The usual format for a postal date stamp was also used on telegrams:
7 October 1914. Used on SI-DO-5. |
A Telegraph Office was opened in 1856 on Port Road. The earliest date for a Post Office is 1 January 1855. A new building was opened on 2 October 1899. |
The usual Commonwealth circular date stamp was issued to the office.
27 August 1942. Used on AW-DO-9Ha. |
A Telegraph Office was opened at the Railway Station in 1856. |
Although the first line went through Hindmarsh, no Telegraph Office was considered at that place in 1856. Later, questions were asked in the Parliament - on 21 June 1882 - as to "what steps have been taken with regard to the selection of a site and the erection of a Post Office and Telegraph Station at Hindmarsh"? A new Post and Telegraph Office was opened on 23 June 1884. |
Early usage. The earliest evidence about the operation of the Hindmarsh Telegraph Office is a delivery form (SC-DO-6Bb) for a message transmitted from Melbourne to Hindmarsh on 2 February 1888. |
The Telegraph Office opened on 17 January 1883 (Gazetted on 1 February). |
Usual squared circle date stamp. | 24 December 1903. Could pay the basic local telegram rate for a message of less than 16 words. Maybe for a telegram sending Christmas wishes (??). |
A Telegraph Office was opened at Port Adelade in 1856. It was one-roomed wooden building on the wharf. In 1860, the Port Adelaide Court House was altered to become the Telegraph Station at a cost of £150. A new Post Office was constructed in late 1867 and it was described as "one of the handsomest buildings in the municipality, and affording the accommodation required for the telegraphic business of the place". The Adelaide Observer of 13 October 1866 observed:
In the South Australian Register of 24 January 1871, it was however reported that "A meeting of the subscribers and friends of the Port Adelaide Institute was held on Friday evening, January 20, at the new reading-rooms, lately the Telegraph Office". On 4 August 1877, the Minister of Agriculture stated in the House that "nothing would be gained by amalgamating the Post and Telegraph offices at Port Adelaide". The South Australian Advertiser of 19 September 1879 (p. 5) related that "By kind permission of the Postmaster-General, a chess match by telegraph has been arranged between the Port Adelaide and Moonta Mines Chess Clubs to be played on Friday evening September 26". |
Telegraph Office date stamps. |
SC3-TO: Telegraph Office |
SC1: Telegraph Office Port.
Usual postal date stamps available to be used for telegrams. | 4 September 1905. Squared circle cancellation. |
SC1: Port Adelaide 2 July 1945. Diameter: |
Port Adelaide Railway Station.
A Telegraph Office was opened at Port Adelaide Railway Station in 1856. |
Prestige Philately. |
1 March 1907. Squared circle date stamp. 1 March 1907. |
Semaphore was an important centre for communications in the 1850s and 1860s. The Telegraph Office was established in 1856. "On Wednesday, February 1, a deputation waited on the Postmaster-General, with a petition, signed by about 40 residents of the Semaphore, for the establishment of a Post Office at the latter place. Mr. Todd at once stated his readiness to accede to the wishes of the petitioners and promised that a Post Office should be established at an early date in connection with the Telegraph- Office now at the Semaphore. This will be a great convenience to the residents at the Semaphore and those in the habit of visiting there". |
The 1881 Semaphore Telegraph Office with the Signal Station. The Time Ball was housed on the tower behind (past the telegraph post). |
The status of the Telegraph Station was changed to a Post and Telegraph Office on 6 March 1871.
The main Signal Station was also based at Semaphore where all ship movements were monitored. The Station also had a time ball to give an accurate record of time. For further details elsewhere. A new Telegraph Office was constructed and opened in November 1881 having been included in the 1880 budget at a cost of £1,380. |
A date stamp used before stamps were used to pre-pay telegram costs in South Australia but of a similar format to that which could of been used on telegram forms. |
26 August 1879. |
SC1: Steel circular date stamp.