The main purpose of constructing the telegraph lines through the Eyre Peninsula and across the Great Australian Bight to Western Australia was to establish an inter-colonial line to Western Australia. Most of the area shown in the map below was uninhabited. |
This map continues to Eucla. | ![]() |
This map continues to Port Pirie, Appila and Terowie.
This map continues down the Yorke Peninsula. |
The main sections describing the creation and the construction of the telegraph line are:
One of the first major communication written about the South Australia - Western Australia telegraphic link was prepared by Todd and presented to the House of Assembly on 7 October 1873. It is reproduced here. The Western Australian Colonial Secretary, Fred. Barlee, wrote to the Chief Secretary in South Australia seeking agreement for the two Colonies to bring wires to the boundary line at Eucla. Barlee noted the costs involved as well as the perceived benefits.
Charles Todd, in his reply, noted that both Samuel McGowan from Victoria and Todd had previously agreed the issue was important for many reasons. He listed a number of construction requirements - including his preference for light iron poles over sawn jarrah poles. He also raised the issue of whether the South Australian line should be constructed via Port Lincoln and proposed a telegram rate of 6/- for 10 words.
In December 1873, "The subject of extending the telegraph to Eucla was brought before the Legislative Council of South Australia by the Commissioner of Crown Lands, who went into the details of its construction, observing that Mr. Todd had estimated the cost at £65 per mile with iron poles. A long discussion ensued, in which a very general feeling prevailed that other colonies should join in the expense, and that telegraph extension to Port Eucla and to Cape Borda should have prior consideration".
A Petition was presented to the House on 30 April 1874 "for the construction of a line of telegraph between Ports Lincoln and Augusta".
The way the line followed the coast was a point of discussion. There seemed general consensus that the line should pass through Streaky Bay. Nevertheless dissent same from those at Venus Bay to negate that argument. The South Australian Register of 14 May 1875 reported local dissension:
"A meeting was lately held in Mr. Symes's large room at the Venus Bay Hotel, Mr. A. Day presiding. On account of a rumour that Government intend causing the telegraph wire connecting Western Australia with Adelaide to pass six or seven miles east of Venus Bay Township, the Chairman said that if this was the case he considered it would not be of any use to those persons who had purchased land from the Government in the Venus Bay district. Mr. T. Harte said it was absolutely necessary to have the line running through the township, and to have a station erected, as otherwise the inhabitants of the neighbourhood would be as well off if the line were not constructed. Mr. B. Symes remarked that, from his long experience, he thought it would be a great shame if the Government did not cause a station to be built in Venus Bay, especially when the small amount of revenue which was spent in the district was considered. Some time ago £1,000 was voted by Parliament for a jetty at Venus Bay, but the work had not been commenced. Having a telegraph station would benefit the whole district; also the revenue. Mr. F. Freeman urged that the Executive did nothing towards making roads in this part of the country, and he thought the place had not received sufficient notice. If the Government brought a more liberal Land Act into working order, he felt sure that in a year or two there would be a population of 50,000 or 60,000 people settled in the district, and to throw the land open, they must have easy communication with Adelaide. Mr. Kaiser referred to Venus Bay being much nearer the Gawler Ranges than Streaky Bay was, and remarked upon the large number of sheep stations east of Venus Bay, including Courtalia, Talia, Okiltabie, Gum Flat, Mount Wedge, Polda, Tirre, Kapawanta, Mount Wudna and Bramfield and also Nilkerloo. All of these stations would have to send a man 110 miles further to forward a message to Adelaide if there was no telegraph station nearer than Streaky Bay; but if one was erected as desired they would save the distance. Mr. W. Harrison concurred, and several others supported".
In the South Australian Legislative Council, on 7 November 1876, debate on the Public Purposes Loan Bill approved the following sub-item:
Telegraph: Port Augusta and Eucla via Streaky Bay, including branch to Port Lincoln and additional wire from Adelaide to Port Augusta to connect with the Eucla line, £19,404.
The Hon. W. Morgan wished to know whether this sum would be sufficient to complete the work. The Chief Secretary (Sir H. Ayers) said it was expected that the amount would be sufficient.
The Legislative Council finally approved £54,000 for the line from Port Augusta through Port Lincoln to Streaky Bay and Eucla.
Possible routes.
A letter, written by Mr. Ebenezer Cooke to Mr. P.C. Dove of Port Lincoln in 1875 (printed in the S. A. Register) gives the following extracts regarding the possible alternative telegraph routes for the line of telegraph to be constructed between Port Augusta and the Western Australian boundary. Both alternatives had the line going via Streaky Bay.
Cooke noted that "the savings in distance by taking Port Lincoln into the main line would therefore be about 5 per cent and it is probable that the cost of construction and repairs would also be less in proportion. But, on the other hand, there is the disadvantage of increasing the distance of the through line to Western Australia, and this disadvantage is greatly increased by the fact that the electric current is more subject to disturbance and loss of power on lines constructed along the Australian coast than those which go across country. These considerations are important, especially as there now appears to be very little probability of Queensland undertaking the alternative line to Europe. But when this line reaches the centre of the Western Australian coast, the way is open either via Java or Galle. The Act gives power to construct the line from Port Augusta to Eucla, via Streaky and Fowler's Bays, and with a branch line from Streaky Bay to Port Lincoln. But Mr. Todd does not consider that there is anything to prevent the main line being taken via Port Lincoln".
(The Mercury Hobart 23 Feb. 1875 ).
The following advertisements appeared in the Gazette and in newspapers:
TELEGRAPH TO EUCLA FROM PORT AUGUSTA, VIA 8TREAKY BAY AND FOWLER'8 BAY. SEALED TENDERS will be received at the office of the Postmaster-General and Superintendent of Telegraphs, until noon of Thursday, the 18th proximo, for the ERECTION of a LINE of TELEGRAPH from PORT AUGUSTA to EUCLA, on the Western Australian Boundary, via Streaky Bay and Fowler's Bay. The line will be divided into two sections viz:
Plans and Specifications and all particulars can be obtained at the office of the Postmaster-General and Superintendent of Telegraphs. Tenders will be received for one or both sections, but must be accompanied with a Bank deposit in favour of the Postmaster-General and Superintendent of Telegraphs for the sum of £350 for each section tendered for. The deposit to be retained, should the tender be accepted, as security for the due fulfillment of the contract until the work is completed. Each tenderer must also submit, for the approval of the Government, the names of two responsible persons willing to become answerable for the due performance of the contract, who, with the tenderer, will have to execute a bond to H.M. Government, within one month from the acceptance of the tender, for a sum equal to the full amount of the tender. The deposit will be forfeited if the bond is not executed within the time specified. Neither the lowest nor any Tender will be necessarily accepted. CHARLES TODD,
TELEGRAPH TO EUCLA, ON THE WESTERN AUSTRALIAN BOUNDARY. Referring to advertisement of the 20th ultimo inviting Tenders for the construction of the above Line of Telegraph, it is hereby further intimated that ALTERNATIVE TENDERS will also be received up to noon of Thursday, the 15th inst, for the Erection of the Line from Port Augusta via Port Lincoln and Streaky Bay and Fowler's Bay, as under: The line by this route will be divided into three sections, namely:
Twelve months will be allowed for completing the first section; eighteen months for the second section; and two years for the third section. Tenders may include one or more sections; but if more than one section, the Tender must state the price per mile for each section tendered for. Every Tender must be accompanied by a Bank deposit receipt in favour of the Postmaster-General and Superintendent of Telegraphs for the sum of £350 for each section tendered for, or £700 if the Tender includes all three sections. In all other respects the Tenders are to be in accordance with the original call for Tenders and the plans and specifications are lying at the office of the Postmaster-General and Superintendent of Telegraphs. CHARLES TODD, |
The call for tenders was only partly successful. Mr. Walter Thomson, of O' Halloran Hill, was the contractor for the 630 mile Port Augusta to Fowler's Bay line. He performed his work exceedingly well.
As no contractor tendered for the 230 mile Fowler's Bay to Eucla line, the South Australian Government had to undertake that part of the construction. The conditions were very tough but, in 1876, there were even more difficulties due to the extreme dryness of the 1875/76 season. Mr. R. B. Knuckey, who had shown great ability and energy as one of the constructors of the Adelaide to Port Darwin line, was given total oversight of the whole work.
Stage 1: Planting the first telegraph pole - the speeches and the party.
"On Tuesday, August 24, 1875 the first pole of the Western Australian Telegraph line was planted on the rising ground at the side of London's Road, Port Augusta West. Very short notice of the ceremony had been given, still a considerable number of people assembled on the occasion.
Mr. T. McTurk Gibson, who had been requested to perform the ceremony, addressing the spectators, said he felt honoured in being called upon to plant the first pole in the extension of our telegraphic system to Western Australia. South Australia had taken the lead in telegraphic matters and shown more energy and pluck in carrying out these works than even the older and more populous colonies.
Most of those present remembered the commencement of that great work of carrying the northern line through arid and, to a great extent, an unknown country. This was successfully carried out and we were now in direct communication with England and Europe and also with America and many other parts of the world. But our Government were not content with this and we are about to form a line to the western border by which the people of Western Australia would be brought into telegraphic communication with the other colonies.
The Government deserved great credit for their enterprising spirit and, although there might be difference of opinion as to the route chosen, there could be none as to the advisability of the line being constructed. The Port Augusta people, living as they did at the central point where the lines met, should feel an especial interest in the work. Port Augusta was the heart whence all the main telegraph lines radiated like the arteries of the human body and before long he hoped to see the place advancing in importance rapidly - as it should do from its important position.
He felt grateful to the contractor, Mr. Walter Thomson, for the compliment paid him in asking him to plant the first pole and hoped the work would be carried on successfully by him and would rebound to his honour and pay him well. He had no doubt from the similar work which had been done by Mr. Thomson that if any one could do it, he could. He (Mr. Gibson) knew the country very well, having travelled over it many years ago with sheep, and he should have been very glad if Mr. Thomson had been there before him to clear a road as some of the scrub was anything but pleasant to get through.
This was many years ago and, since that time, the west side had become much more important and the town of Port Augusta had improved greatly too. When he came there first (and he had not been there so long as some of those present) they had to pay 12s. for a cask of water. Now they had the water laid on and facilities for watering stock even on the west side of the Gulf. The town was now beginning to assume a respectable appearance and, what was of more importance, the public were beginning to recognise its position as the outlet for an immense extent of country and the depot for a large and daily increasing trade. Now that the railway was likely to be formed (even if the proposed route should be adopted to Yudanamutana which, to those who knew the country, must appear to be a great mistake) they might expect still greater and more rapid progress.
Mr. Gibson then planted the pole in the earth and declared the same to be truly placed, shovelled in the earth, and the whole was well rammed by an assistant. Three cheers were then given for the Queen, also for the contractor (Mr. Thomson) and for Mr. Knuckey, the engineer of the line.
Most of those present then adjourned by invitation of the contractor to Host Pitt's, where champagne flowed freely and sundry toasts were given; among others, the health of the contractor and engineer were cordially proposed and responded to. Mr. Thomson, in returning thanks, said he was quite pleased with Port Augusta and its people and he thought that, in no part of the colony, could they find such a fine lot of manly-looking fellows gathered together at such short notice as those present in that room. There was only one thing wanting — many of them had not yet taken wives. They should all settle down and increase the population of the place. As for the country, they had a splendid and a pleasant climate; and as for soil, he had seen fine crops produced on what appeared at one time to be far worse than the soil round Port Augusta, while the range at the back was prettier than anything he had seen even in Scotland itself. (Laughter.) He proposed Success to the town and trade of Port Augusta, coupling with it the names of Mr. T. McGibson, the Mayor that was to be.
Mr. Gibson responded and said it was not necessary that they should be a wheat-producing community. That could be done in other parts of the colony while in the North they could produce the wool and minerals, which were equally necessary, and thus add to the wealth and prosperity of the people by creating articles of export, while at the same time creating a market for the wheat of the more southern parts. Mr. Knuckey, in responding, spoke of the kind of feeling he had experienced on a previous occasion from the people of Port Augusta and said though the present undertaking was not so arduous as the former, he had no doubt there would be some hard work to do. For his part, he should do all he could to assist the contractor to carry out the work without trouble or delay. He hoped it would not be long before the railway operations would be commenced at Port Augusta.
Dr. Cotter proposed 'The Health of the Construction Party' and after referring to the gradual growth of the colony in spite of the many difficulties it had to contend with, said that having watched its progress from its infancy, he was proud of our colony, especially of its telegraph lines. In nearly every respect it would contrast favourably with the more populous and older colonies. He had no doubt that the contractor and his staff, if they had health, would surmount all difficulties and he hoped to see them return as hale and vigorous as they were then at starting.
Mr. J. Thomson was called upon to respond but said he would prefer doing hard work to speaking. Mr. W. Thomson responded in a humorous speech, which elicited rounds of applause. The ' Health of the Superintendent of Telegraphs' was then given and responded to. Some dissatisfaction was expressed at the manner in which Port Augusta had been treated in regard to mail matters but it was decided that, on this occasion, they should disassociate the offices of Postmaster-General and Superintendent of Telegraphs. After a very pleasant hour's enjoyment the company separated. Had the ceremony taken place in the afternoon, a very much larger number would doubtless have attended"
South Australian Register 30 August 1875.
Another account of the planting of the first pole in the South Australian Register of 4 May 1896 is included elsewhere.
The West Australian construction teams used jarrah for the telegraph poles while the South Australians opted for tubular metal telegraph poles.
The line to Eucla took one year and eleven months to complete - strangely enough the exact time for the construction of the Adelaide to Port Darwin line. The Western Australian construction was completed on 16 July 1877.
Stage 2: Port Augusta to Port Lincoln.
After the first pole of the new line had been planted work on the line began immediately - if not a bit sooner. The South Australian Register, 13 August 1875 reported that
"This work, which was authorised in 1874, is now about to be carried out. On Saturday, the 7th August 1875, three men of the Government survey party started, with 12 horses and a waggonette, for Port Augusta. Mr. Knuckey, who is in charge, with Mr. Joseph Minn as sub-overseer and four men, will leave Adelaide on Tuesday, August 17 by the Royal Shepherd, for Port Augusta, where they will join the other members of the party. Mr. Walter Thomson, the contractor, with his employees, horses, and equipment started on Monday.
A number of iron poles having been already sent out while others are now being unloaded from the Pakwan. The route of the telegraph will be from Port Augusta to Port Lincoln, thence to Streaky Bay, and from Streaky Bay to Eucla, where the line will meet the West Australian portion. The distance altogether is about 550 miles, and the work is expected to occupy about 18 months".
The Port Augusta - Port Lincoln section was completed on 12th January 1876. On 15 February 1876, it was reported that "The telegraph line to Western Australia passes through Port Lincoln and, as the section between this place and Port Augusta has been completed, the residents are now in direct communication with the capital. The poles used are of iron, similar to those placed on some portions of the Port Darwin line, and have a light and graceful appearance. The wire is also up for 20 miles westward from Port Lincoln and the work on this portion is being vigorously pushed forward by Mr. Knuckey". |
![]() View over Port Lincoln about 1880. |
Stage 3: Port Lincoln to Fowler's Bay.
This map continues west to Eyre and Albany WA. | ![]() |
This map continues east to the Eyre Peninsula. |
The line from Port Lincoln was constructed via Mount Hope, Sheringa, Bramfield, Streaky Bay and Penong to Fowler's Bay. It therefore established the lines of communication for subsequent developments. As noted in one Report, "The contractors blazed a pathway which then became a bush track and later, in many places, became the main road".
A non-official Post Office had been opened at Fowler's Bay in May 1865. The first recorded Postmaster - appointed in January 1866 - was Mr. E.N.B. Catchlove, who rejoiced in the full name of Edward Napoleon Bonaparte Catchlove. He and both of his two successors - Thos Waugh and Thomas P. Richard - were policemen. Although postal records date back to 1865, the date of construction of the Fowler's Bay Post Office cannot be determined. Extensions are known to have been made in 1877 - presumably under the supervision of Mr. Knuckey - to accommodate the telegraph facility on the East-West Line.
31 August 1876: "Thompson's telegraph party is now within 50 miles of Fowler's Bay, and going on splendidly. Mr. Knuckey is expected here daily with men for the work between here and Eucla and Mr. Frank Marchant is on the road via Port Lincoln with 60 horses for the same work. The line is surveyed some 70 miles from here or within 30 miles of the Bight".
The Port Lincoln to Fowlers Bay section was completed on 26th September 1876.
Stage 4: Fowler's Bay to Eucla.
The Fowlers Bay to Eucla link was a long and torturous project which Richard Knuckey began in July 1876 with 38 men and 89 horses. Workers unloaded supplies from the ships from Adelaide and elsewhere at Fowlers Bay and began constructing their own telegraph station and a large supply base. They then began branching out. All poles and provisions had to be sent along the line from either this base or the base set up at Eucla.
Citing the S.A. Register, the Geelong Advertiser of 26 June 1877 relayed a great difficulty in transporting the equipment and supplies by ship:
" Mr. Gilham, who arrived by the R.M.S. Bangalore from King George's Sound on Wednesday, that he recently lost two cutters while engaged in the transit of material for the Eucla line of telegraph. Their names were the Twilight and the Bunyip and they were loaded with wire and insulators. The quantity of telegraph material was supposed to be sufficient for a continuation of 100 miles and the loss of the vessels will cause a delay of about six weeks in the work. The vessels were blown ashore at Eyre's Sandpatch on May 24th in a heavy gale and the cargo is believed to be buried in the sand from which it would be impossible to extricate it. Fortunately no lives were lost".
The West Australian Telegraph 19 July 1877 reported the reaching of the SA party at Eucla as follows:
"The following messages were exchanged between Mr. Walter Thomson and Messrs. Knuckey and Baldock upon the occasion of the completion of the telegraphic line to Eucla:
From R. R. Knuckey, Eucla, to Walter Thomson, O'Halloran Hill, July 16 : I have much pleasure in informing you the Port Augusta and Eucla line, begun by your party one year and 11 months ago, was finished on the 14th inst. It has been throughout a difficult piece of work and I am very much pleased that it has been brought to a successful issue. We have beaten the West Australians. Hurrah for the Major."
From W. Thomson, O'Halloran Hill, July 18 to Mr. R. R. Knuckey, Eucla: I congratulate you on having finished the line to Eucla and having beaten the West Australians. I always thought we would; now I am sure of it. We will wet it at Aldridge's for you. Hurrah for the Major.
To Mr. A. Baldock, field-operator, Eucla: I am glad you have got to Eucla through the terrible scrub. Will send the barrel. Lost Mr. Magill".
The Sydney Morning Herald (24 July 1877) noted that:
On Monday, July 16, The welcome news reached Adelaide that the telegraph line to Eucla had that day been completed. South Australia has therefore fulfilled her portion of the task of placing Western Australian in telegraph communication with the rest of the world. The cost to which we have gone to establish connection with Perth by wire may be set down at about £87,500, which is the net result of the loans raised for the purpose. This is rather a large sum to pay for a line 700 miles in length but it must be remembered that, in prosecuting the work, the Government have had peculiar difficulties to surmount and that special pains have been taken to make the line thoroughly substantial. This object has been secured by erecting iron poles 19 feet long throughout and it is believed that the work within the South Australian boundaries will form one of the strongest, if not absolutely the strongest, in the world.
The South Australian part of the line was begun in August, 1875 and has therefore taken one year and eleven months to complete. Strangely enough, this was the exact time that the construction of the Adelaide and Port Darwin line occupied. The work was divided into two parts from Port Augusta to Fowler's Bay, 530½ miles and thence to Eucla, 230 miles. Mr. Walter Thomson, of O' Halloran Hill, was the contractor for the first section and he performed his work exceedingly well.
The Government were however, unable to get any one to tender for the second section which presented peculiar difficulties owing to the extreme dryness of the season of 1876. They had therefore to undertake the work themselves and it has been carried out by Mr. R. R. Knuckey, who has had the oversight of the whole work from the beginning and who will be remembered as having shown great ability and energy as one of the constructors of the Adelaide and Port Darwin telegraph.
As the construction of the line has proceeded, telegraphic communication has of course been established with the parties and operations have therefore been carried out under the instructions of the Postmaster-General and Superintendent of Telegraphs under whose directions Mr. R. Knuckey has performed his task with remarkable energy and efficiency. The chief difficulty with which he has had to contend has been the want of water. Until the rains in the early part of the year, which facilitated operations wonderfully, there was scarcely any surface water to be found. The whole of the materials for the further section had to be carted from Fowler's Bay and before Eucla was reached, the constructors had to pass over two absolutely waterless tracts of country respectively l30 and 150 miles in length, which of course were also almost destitute of food. Another great obstruction, especially on the first section has been the great extent of scrub, through which a road thirty feet wide has been cut. With the exception of the construction of a duplicate telegraph between Adelaide and Port Augusta, the only work now remaining to be done is the provision of tanks. A vessel will shortly be despatched with four 400-gallon iron tanks which will be placed at intervals of 35 miles between the Australian Bight and Eucla. They will be protected by sheds 21 foot by 20 feet from the roofs of which the water will be conveyed to the tanks beneath. The object of making this provision is to facilitate the inspection of the line. We have yet to erect the duplicate line to Port Augusta. When this is up there will be 970 miles of wire between Adelaide and Eucla. South Australia will then have no less than 5,500 miles of telegraph wires.
The Western Australian portion of the work will be about 500 miles long. It was begun about three months before ours was commenced and it is expected that it will be finished by the end of September next. From Bremer Bay to Culver the line is within a very short distance of the coast. From that point to Eyre's Sand Patch it is a little distance inland and thence to Eucla it will be close to the water. On the 10th of June the wire had reached the Sand Patch but, in order to save time, only half the proper number of poles has been erected in some parts. The supports are of wood and are 18 feet high. At Eucla a neat station of eight rooms has been erected for the use of both the Western Australian and the South Australian operators.
The Port Augusta to Eucla was completed on 16 July 1877. The length of the line was 759 miles and 12,474 iron poles and 147 tons of wire were used. Because Eyre Peninsula had no suitable timber, galvanised iron poles had to be used and these were spaced five chains apart. The total cost of the line was £67,500.
The connection between Adelaide and Western Australia was effected on 8 December 1877 at 4:00 pm (SA time).
That facilitated the start of another unexpected problem - spiders interruping the lines.
The 1896 Port Augusta - Yardea - Eucla Line.
In 1896, a second line was constructed from Port Augusta via Yardea to Streaky Bay. It had been given Parliamentary approval on 3 October 1895. The survey of the new line began on 16 October 1895. Part of the reason for constructing the second line was the development of the Western Australian Goldfields as well as the increased trade between the two Colonies.
This line ran from Port Augusta via Yardea to Flagstaff Landing (now Haslam) just past Streaky Bay - and hence it avoided the sea fogs which had caused considerable disruption to service along the first line via Port Lincoln. It ran to the north of Coralbignie Run and Thurga Station to Yardea.
The first 100 miles of this line from Port Augusta was erected on 2,052 wooden poles with the rest of the line to Flagstaff Landing using 2,072 iron poles. The iron poles continued to be used for the 353 miles of line between Flagstaff Landing and Eucla. Large quantities of the iron poles were shipped from Port Adelaide to Port Augusta to be transported to the sites with the balance of the iron poles being shipped to Streaky Bay.
The first stage of 229 miles to Flagstaff Landing was completed with Mr. J. Murphy as overseer and 12 men. The line to Eucla was completed in December 1896.
The new line was about 582 miles from Port Augusta to Eucla compared to the line via Port Lincoln which was 780 miles.
In January 1897, the line from Port Augusta to Yardea broke without explanation. Repair parties were sent from both ends to determine the problem. In the meantime, the first line via Port Lincoln had to be used. An indication of the importance of these lines is that when Todd left his Office at the end of the day there were over 400 messages yet to be sent. The fault was quickly found at a point 28 miles from Yardea but no information was supplied about the nature of the problem.
In 1898, the second line from Port Augusta to the Flagstaff Landing at the north-west corner of Streaky Bay via Yardea was equipped with quadruplex equipment. Todd had automatic quadruplex machines installed at Yardea to work this second line. The first line via Port Lincoln was still operating duplex.
In 1927, a new East-West telegraph line was constructed at a higher level and making a more direct connection.
According to The Chronicle (27 January 1927):
"on 14 January, a gang of 100 men, employed by the Postal Department, were in Port Augusta awaiting the arrival of the necessary equipment to enable them to proceed with the work of installing a new telegraph circuit along the East West line. The work will be carried out from both ends, and the West Australian party are already making progress. It is expected that the two parties will meet near Cook".
In the 1900s, the areas away from the coast - and some close to the coast or just off the coast (eg Flinders Island) - were serviced through Radio Telegraph services which communicated wirelessly with control stations operated by the Flying Doctor Service or the OTC. A number of the Radio Telegraph Offices in the area to the west of Port Augusta used the central stations located at Port Lincoln and at Ceduna. Although Ceduna was relatively close to the line, no link to the telegraphic line was ever made.