Marconi had the exclusive contract to provide wireless communication from ships (passenger, merchant, etc) to other ships and to and from shore stations. A range of forms were printed in England and used throughout the world.
An example of some of these Marconi delivery forms used to message for people on ships sailing to or from Australia are shown below:
![Strathaid 1949](../../../../Assets/Overseas/Marconi/Delivery ship/Marconigram 1949 Dec 12 Strathaird.jpg) |
Canterbury to SS Strathaird.
22 December 1949.
- no large boxes in heading;
- has Marconi details in lower corners.
![Oronsay front](../../../../Assets/Overseas/Marconi/Delivery ship/Marconigram 1955 March 27 Oronsay.jpg) |
Melbourne to SS Oronsay via Adelaide Radio.
27 March 1955 (Sunday).
- no large boxes in heading;
- has Marconi details in lower corners;
- part torn off from top right corner is presumably SHORE TO SHIP.
![Oronsay reverse](../../../../Assets/Overseas/Marconi/Delivery ship/Marconigram 1955 March 27 Oronsay reverse.jpg) |
Melbourne to SS Oronsay via Adelaide Radio.
Reverse side of the above form. |
![1955 Poole](../../../../Assets/Overseas/Marconi/Delivery ship/Marconigram 1955 March 27 Oronsay Envel.jpg) |
Melbourne to SS Oronsay via Adelaide Radio.
Delivery envelope for the above form.
- printed in black on orange paper;
- size: 89 × 152 mm;
- has MARCONIGRAM underlined (37 mm) at the top;
- only other entry is a Stores number S33 CO in the lower left corner;
- reverse side is plain with a pointed flap.
![Himalaya](../../../../Assets/Overseas/Marconi/Delivery ship/Marconigram 1957 Dec 10 Himalaya.jpg) |
Lilydale to SS Himalaya via Melbourne Radio.
10 December 1957 (Tuesday).
- large advertising and address box at the left in the heading;
- details of message compressed to the right;
- same form number as the previous form.
![Himalay cover](../../../../Assets/Overseas/Marconi/Delivery ship/Marconigram 1957 Dec 10 Himalaya envelope.jpg) |
Lilydale to SS Himalaya via Melbourne Radio.
Delivery form for the above form. |