The Post & Telegraph Offices on the Echuca and Deniliquin lines are listed in the table below together with those Offices on the associated branch lines.
Chewton | Echuca | Deniliquin | Elmore | Goornong |
Huntly | Kyabram | Ravenswood | Rochester | Tongala |
Located about 4 kilometres east of Castlemaine. In the Chewton Borough Council of 1 February 1872, "Cr. Meredith noted that the attention of the hon. the Postmaster-General be called to the great want of a telegraph station at Chewton in connection with the Post-Office". On 18 May 1872, a deputation met the Postmaster-General: "A new post office was wanted at Chewton, the present building being only 8ft square. Telegraphic communication was also needed. The wire ran through the town but the inhabitants had to send their messages by horse or car to Castlemaine and the extra cost was 1s per message. They would be content with a Wheatstone instrument for the present though the borough contained a population of 5,000 persons". Telegraphic communication was opened to Chewton on Monday 7 October 1872. |
The Telegraph Office was opened in December 1858. Mr. Penton was the Officer in charge. Echuca is at the meeting place of three rivers - the Murray, the Goulburn and the Campaspe - in traditional Yorta Yorta country. The name given to that area originally meant "meeting of the waters". European settlers called the township they established Hopson's Punt but changed that to Echuca in 1855. The Post Office had opened as Hopson's Punt in 1854. One of the main reasons for Echuca being prioritised for telegraphic communication was its role as a River Port. Indeed by about 1870, Echuca was Australia's largest inland port. |
In the Legislative Council of 23 November 1858, Mr Rutledge asked the hon. the Postmaster-General 'What is the cause of the electric telegraph at Echuca not having been brought to use for some time past and when it is likely to be commenced'? Dr Evans replied "it was owing to a dispute with the contractors as to the completeness of the work". The fight for a new Post and Telegraph Office in Echuca continued for years. For example, the Riverine Herald (published in Echuca) of 16 May 1876 reported:
It is directly across the Murray from the NSW town on Moama which had been the Victorian Post Office of Maiden's Punt from 1848 to 1855 when it was transferred to NSW. That Post Office changed name to Moama on 1 January 1858. Unfortunately the Post Office was destroyed by fire in December 1861. The Moama Telegraph Office in NSW was opened in October 1864. A special telegram was sent to The Argus in Melbourne and the text was published on 5 March 1879
A Telegraph Office was opened at the Railway Station in June 1865. For those who are interested in collectables more broadly (than telegrams), Echuca is also the home of the National Holden Motor Museum.
The earliest evidence of the operation of the Echuca Telegraph Office is a stamped O.H.M.S. cover sent from Echuca to the Telegraph Station Master at Balranald NSW on 4 November 1872. There is also a delivery form shown below sent from Echuca with a Richmond Belt and Buckle date stamp of 7 July 1890. |
![]() Johnstone Collection. |
Echuca to Balranald 4 November 1872. OHMS cover addressed to the Telegraph Station Master. Has a 2d dull lilac mauve De La Rue design. Cover had crossed the Murray River from Moama to Echuca on 2 November and passed the Customs inspection as shown by the NSW intaglion Crown hand stamp. Very rare.
The Telegraph Office was issued with two versions of the Belt & Buckle date stamps: | ||
![]() 21 November 1885. |
![]() 28 August 1884. Rare use on a 5/- Stamp Duty. Provenance: Freeman, Johnstone. |
![]() 10 July 1893 on a 2d Stamp Duty pair. |
The railway line linking Sandhurst and Echuca was opened in 1864 but was located 4 miles from the developing community at Goornong. That placement forced the town to move so that they could be serviced by the rail - and the Post Office opened at a new location in 1864. The town developed considerably. The Argus of 23 February 1876 reported (p.4) that "a deputation from the residents of Goornong, a township on the railway line between Sandhurst and Echuca, yesterday waited on the Postmaster-General, and presented a numerously-signed memorial, asking for the establishment of a telegraph office at that place. As it appeared that there was a considerable amount of postal business done with Goornong, Mr. Ramsay promised, if the Minister of Railways would arrange to have some one appointed to the station who understood telegraphy, to open an office at once". The Goornong Correspondent of the Bendigo Advertiser wrote the following for the 7 October 1876 edition: "Your article in to-day's issue of the Advertiser with regard to the urgent necessity there exists for a telegraph station at Goornong has been read with much interest by your readers here with complimentary remarks for your advocacy of the matter. Your arguments in favor of the immediate appointment of an operator are cogent and conclusive and it is hoped they may tell with desired effect upon the "Powers that be". The necessary apparatus for the working of the telegraph has been stowed away in an anteroom at the railway station here ever since the last great picnic - which occurred here some three years ago - so that little expense will be required for the erection of the same. The new station master, who took charge of the station a week ago, has a daughter who is an operator at Meredith. Could not the Government unite the family by transferring her services here?". The Bendigo Advertiser followed up that story on 9 February 1877: "We at last are to have a telegraph station here. The workmen are busy in erecting the operating room preparatory to connecting the battery with the main line of telegraph. I understand Miss Jonboy - daughter of the stationmaster here - is appointed as operator. That young lady has had considerable experience in operating on the Ballarat line and is fully competent for the duties". The Telegraph Office was opened in September 1877. About that time, there were four hotels in operation. There were also another six hotels within a five mile radius. A police station opened in 1875. Goornong is now one of the smallest towns in Australia with 250 people. A Telegraph Office opened at Goornong Railway Station in 1911. It was reclassified as a Post office in 1915 and closed in 1916. |
The earliest (only) telegram for Goornong is a message received at Sandhurst on 12 January 1888 from Goornong and copied onto a telegram delivery form (VC-DO-11C) . |
There were no special Goornong date stamps issued for use with telegrams. |
A Telegraph Office was opened at the Railway Station in 1865. Unfortunately the Station was not used as frequently as had been expected and so, as reported in the Bendigo Advertiser of 21 December 1892, "that as the traffic at the Huntly railway station did not warrant them in keeping a man in charge there they had decided to place a woman in charge of the station. The telegraphic facilities afforded by the station were, the letter further stated, a matter for the consideration of the Postal department". |
The Post Office opened on 23 September 1878 and the Sheridan Post Office opened on 1 September 1884. On 8 April 1886, Kyabram was renamed Kyabram East and Sheridan was renamed Kyabram - in advance of the railway line coming through. In February 1893, the Gazette called for tenders for new Post & Telegraph Offices at Kyabram. Kyabram is about 20 kms east of Rochester and 10 kms south of Tongala. The home of Henry Jones and IXL Jams. |
The Telegraph Office opened at Ravenswood on 19 November 1929 and closed on 17 December 1963. The Post Office had opened on 15 November 1858 and was renamed Ravenswood Railway Station Post Office on 15 April 1884. |
A T.O. date stamp was issued to the Office for use with telegraphic work - with T.O. following Ravenswood.
![]() |
The Riverine Herald of 24 February 1875 reported the situation at that time in Rochester: "The Shire Council very properly passed a resolution yesterday, directing their Secretary to bring the subject of the establishment of a Post and Telegraph office at Rochester — which was petitioned for by a large number of the ratepayers in that locality — before the Government. A communication had been read from the Postmaster-General of the ordinary Governmental "how not to do it" character in which the council were informed that "the subject was under consideration" or that it was "delayed for furher information" or that some such red-tapeism was holding the matter in check. Cr. Glass remarked that it was now about two years since this most urgent want of the people of Rochester had been brought under the notice of the Department and, although everything had been promised, and the telegraph office actually erected, the work of completion, by the appointment of the officer, was apparently as far from being consummated as it was two years ago. As affording an illustration of the inconveniences which the people of Rochester have to suffer in having to communicate by telegraph with other places, and at the same time as a proof of the absurdity of the departmental management, it may be stated that a telegraphic communication from Rochester to any place situated between there and Melbourne has in the first instance to be forwarded to RunnymedeA short distance south-east of Elmore. — which has the happiness of possessing a Telegraph and Post Office (at the Railway Station) although not of larger extent than Rochester — and should a person in Rochester be suddenly called on to communicate with Echuca, he must only wait for the arrival of the train from the latter place, then forward his communication by train to Runnymede to have it sent by wire to Echuca; thus making an additional varying, but erratic route of twenty four miles - half by rail and half by wire - before the message can reach its destination at Echuca. The force of folly and the course of circumlocution cannot go much further". |
The Telegraph Office was opened on 11 May 1875. The Post Office had opened on 11 May 1863 and the railway passed through in 1864.
![]() Photograph from Wikipedia taken by Wiki User Mattinban - one of a large number of his excellent contributions of a variety of Australian architecture and scenes. |
Rochester is the birthplace of Sir Hubert Opperman the famous Australian cyclist born in 1904.
The office was issued with a rubber rectangular TELEGRAPH date stamp (RRH1 - TO).
![]() 15 March 1963. Used on AA-DO-13B. |